EVALUASI KASUS KARSINOMA SEL BASAL DI MAKASSAR PERIODE JANUARI 2017-DESEMBER 2019Evaluation of Basal Cell Carcinoma Cases in Makassar: January 2017 - December 2019
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer, accounting for approximately 75% of all non-melanoma skin cancer cases. Despite its high prevalence, BCC typically has a favorable prognosis, especially when managed appropriately. This study aims to evaluate BCC cases in Makassar over a three-year period, providing valuable insights into its demographic trends, treatment methods, and outcomes.
BCC is a prevalent skin cancer that often manifests as a localized, slow-growing tumor. While rarely life-threatening, it can lead to significant local tissue damage if not treated early. This research focuses on BCC cases diagnosed from January 2017 to December 2019, with the goal of assessing patterns in diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up outcomes.
This retrospective descriptive study analyzed BCC cases from medical records at RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Ibnu Sina in Makassar. Using total sampling, data were collected and compared with previous studies to identify trends and outcomes.
This study know that:
- Patient Demographics: Out of 49 cases, 67.3% were female with an average age of 60 years. The majority of cases (51%) occurred in individuals aged 41-60 years.
- Common Locations and Types: The nose was the most frequently affected site (30.6%). The nodular type was the most common histological variant (53.1%), while the morpheaform type was the least common (2.4%).
- Treatment and Outcomes: A significant majority of patients (85.7%) underwent tumor excision. Metastasis was rare, observed in only five cases; two cases spread to the lungs, and one to the liver. Recurrence rates were low, with 81.6% of cases not showing signs of recurrence.
The study confirms that BCC predominantly affects the nasal region and that the nodular type is the most frequent. Surgical excision remains the preferred treatment method, with a high success rate and minimal recurrence. The rarity of metastasis underscores the generally favorable prognosis of BCC when treated promptly.
BCC in Makassar is characterized by a high incidence in the nasal region and a predominance of the nodular type. Treatment through tumor excision is effective, with low recurrence rates and minimal metastatic spread. This study contributes valuable data to the understanding of BCC trends in our region, supporting ongoing efforts in early detection and effective management.
For more details and in-depth analysis, read the full study here:
Learn More: https://doi.org/10.20473/jre.v6i2.31834 More Articles: https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JRE/
Evaluation of Basal Cell Carcinoma Cases in Makassar: January 2017 - December 2019
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common form of skin cancer, accounting for approximately 75% of all non-melanoma skin cancer cases. Despite its high prevalence, BCC typically has a favorable prognosis, especially when managed appropriately. This study aims to evaluate BCC cases in Makassar over a three-year period, providing valuable insights into its demographic trends, treatment methods, and outcomes.
BCC is a prevalent skin cancer that often manifests as a localized, slow-growing tumor. While rarely life-threatening, it can lead to significant local tissue damage if not treated early. This research focuses on BCC cases diagnosed from January 2017 to December 2019, with the goal of assessing patterns in diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up outcomes.
This retrospective descriptive study analyzed BCC cases from medical records at RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Universitas Hasanuddin, and Ibnu Sina in Makassar. Using total sampling, data were collected and compared with previous studies to identify trends and outcomes.
This study know that:
- Patient Demographics: Out of 49 cases, 67.3% were female with an average age of 60 years. The majority of cases (51%) occurred in individuals aged 41-60 years.
- Common Locations and Types: The nose was the most frequently affected site (30.6%). The nodular type was the most common histological variant (53.1%), while the morpheaform type was the least common (2.4%).
- Treatment and Outcomes: A significant majority of patients (85.7%) underwent tumor excision. Metastasis was rare, observed in only five cases; two cases spread to the lungs, and one to the liver. Recurrence rates were low, with 81.6% of cases not showing signs of recurrence.
The study confirms that BCC predominantly affects the nasal region and that the nodular type is the most frequent. Surgical excision remains the preferred treatment method, with a high success rate and minimal recurrence. The rarity of metastasis underscores the generally favorable prognosis of BCC when treated promptly.
BCC in Makassar is characterized by a high incidence in the nasal region and a predominance of the nodular type. Treatment through tumor excision is effective, with low recurrence rates and minimal metastatic spread. This study contributes valuable data to the understanding of BCC trends in our region, supporting ongoing efforts in early detection and effective management.
For more details and in-depth analysis, read the full study here: