WELCOME TO  JURNAL REKONSTRUKSI DAN ESTETIK    Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga    ISSN International Center  |   p-ISSN:2301-793...


Do you know about Mendeley? 

Mendeley is a reference manager and academic social network designed to streamline your research activities. It helps you organize your research materials, collaborate with peers online, and stay updated with the latest research developments. With Mendeley, you can automatically create bibliographies, seamlessly collaborate with other researchers, import papers from various research tools, discover relevant studies based on your current reading, and access your documents from anywhere online.

Jurnal Rekonstruksi dan Estetik (JRE Unair) requires that every submitted article use Mendeley for reference management. If you're feeling unsure or confused about how to use Mendeley, this guide is here to help!

1. Download the Mendeley App

Download the application at https://desktop-download.mendeley.com/download/Mendeley-Desktop-

1.19.5-win32.exe . Once the download is complate, install the application and follow the on-screen intructions until you see the "install" option, then select it. After the installation is finished, click "Finish" to complate the setup.

2. Account Registration and Sign in

If you do not have a Mendeley account yet, first register by clicking "Register" in the lower left corner and follow the provided steps. Once your account is created sign in using your email and password, then click "Sign in".

3. Link Mendeley with MS Word

After clicking "Sign In", you will see a screen similar to the previous page with a notification about connecting Mendeley to MS Word. Click "Install now". Upon completing the installation, a screen similar to the one above will appear, confirming that Mendeley has been successfully linked with MS Word. For another step, select "Tools" and then click on "Install MS Word Plugin"

4. Connecting to the MS Word

Open MS Word to verify the connection. Click on the "References" tab. If the connection is successful, you will see the interface shown above. 

If the connection is not established, check Mendeley and MS Word in Mendeley selact "Tools", click "Install MS Word Word Plugin", then click " OK" when "Plugin Installed" appears, until the "Tools" option changes to "Unistall MS Word Plugin." Then, check MS Word to confirm if the interface appears as shown above. 

If it still is not connected, check MS Word by selecting "File", then "Options", and selecting "Add-Ins". Under "Manage" choose "Word Add-Ins" then click "Go". Choose the box for Mendeley and click "OK". Finally revisit the "References" tab to ensure the interface appears as shown previously. 

5. Cited by MS Word


To use the Mendeley application in MS Word, first ensure that you have added your sourses to Mendeley. You can do this by either importing source files or entering them manually.

To insert sitations, click "Insert Citation" and then enter the name, title or year of the source you wish to cite. Click "OK" to confirm. Or click " Go to Mendeley", Selected the desired reference, then click "Cite".

To create a bibliography click "Insert Bibliography" and it will automatically generate based on the source cited. Be sure to use the Vancouver style as specified in the JRE Unair guidelines. 

6. Finish

If you are using Mendeley to cite and create a bibliography in Microsoft Word, you will see several signs or indications that the process has been successfully completed:

Reference Insertion in the Document: After inserting a citation from Mendeley into your Word document, you will see the citation appear at the chosen location. For example, if you choose the APA citation style, you will see the citation formatted accordingly, such as (Author, Year).

Bibliography or Reference List: Mendeley automatically creates a bibliography or reference list at the end of the document, depending on the citation style you have selected. This is typically located at the end of the document and includes all the references you have cited in the text.
